Saturday , February 8 2025

Live Recorded aarti from Mata Vaishno Devi Jammu, Katra

Live aarti of Maa Vaishno Devi Ji is Tele-casted every day on Shraddha and MH One Channels at 07:30 AM/PM, This website is to provide facility to those Bhakts of Maa Vaishno Ji who cannot watch live aarti due to various compulsions/reasons. Now, with this website they can watch aarti anytime, anywhere.

Live Recorded aarti from Mata Vaishno Devi Jammu, Katra, Recorded Live aarti from Maa Vaishno Devi Mandi, HP, Recorded live Aarti Maa Vaishno Devi Ji Mandir, HP, Live aarti from Mata Vaishno devi temple, mata Vaishno devi temple live aarti, live aarti mata Vaishno devi ji, recorded live aarti from maa Vaishno devi ji, maa Vaishno devi live aarti, evening live aarti mata


  1. Please mail me 19 april 2011 evening aarti recording.

  2. Please share link for 5th May 2013morning Aarti if thats available with you. Hopefully & Humble request to you.

  3. manjeet kapoor

    How can I see the evening arti on dated 17/03/2013please reply
    Jai mata di

  4. manjeet kapoor

    How can I see the evening arti on dated 17/03/2013

  5. vishwas chaudhary

    please share the link for 18th may 2013 morning aarti !

  6. how can i saw the aarti dated 12/04/2013

  7. jai mata di
    please try to mail be video clip of morning attka aarti of maa vaishnodevi of 29 March’13


  8. jai mata di
    please try to mail be video clip of morning attka aarti of maa vaishnodevi


  9. Hello , Request? you to please share link for 16th may 2012 Morning Aarti if thats avaialable with you … plzzzzzzzzzz

  10. any have recorded evening aarti of 05 march 2013 maa veshno bhawan

  11. Please share link for 17/3/2013 Evening Aarti if thats available with you. Hopefully & Humble request to you.

    Read more:

  12. Could you please Avilal link of Aarti of 11/03/2013 evening

  13. Please post the recorded live aarti of mata vaishno devi mandir on 08.02.2013 evening on my email id.

  14. how can i saw the aarti dated 04/01/2013

  15. One can get the recording of live aarti from maa vaishno devi ji after 04- 09-12 from me call 09431402908

  16. Thanks Dear For Contact & Like our Site.

    I’m Sorry Dear, Its not possible for me/anyone to record Previous day Live Aarti form Mata Vaishno Devi.

    Jai Mata Di

  17. Please share link for 22nd May 2012 Evening Aarti if thats available with you. Hopefully & Humble request to you.

  18. Hello , Request? you to please share link for 21st may 2012 Evening Aarti if thats avaialable with you … plzzzzzzzzzz thanx