Saturday , July 27 2024

Bhai Mani Singh, Ajaib Ghar Tarn Taran Sahib Pictures

Bhai Mani Singh, Ajaib Ghar Tarn Taran Sahib

Bhai Mani Singh Ji was the Head Granthi of Sri Darbar Sahib,Sri Amritsar,the central religious place of the sikhs.the ruling cruel govt. falsely charged against Bhai ji of not paying the due tax of the sikh gathering at diwali.In 1789 A.D acc. to the Dcree made issued by Zakrian Khan, Bhai Mani Singh Ji was martyred by chopping off each limb of his body.He showed uniqe example of calmness and determination.he remained uttering the holy contents of Sri Sukhmani Sahib upto his last breath. Picture Reference by Banmeet Singh

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